Saturday, November 3, 2012

First 'FIRST FRIDAY' Demo and Movie Night was a HUGE success!

Here's the group of First Friday attendees at our inaugural Movie and Demo Night....thanks to Gretchen, Beth, Natalie, Maggie, Teagan, Anwen and Taylor for coming and supporting CCEA!  You all will receive 10 points toward the CCEA 2013 Youth Awards, and Anwen you get 5 extra for bringing a friend!
The demo topic was on is Vicki showing how to get Wonder started out on the right hand circle safely and correctly.  We learned about the necessary equipment, correct body positioning and body language, how to form 'the longeing triangle' between you and the horse for proper control (all the girls used their Geometry knowledge to answer some simple math questions!)  Extra credit in Math on Monday teachers??!!
And now it's time to let the kids practice what they learned.  Here is Gretchen borrowing Vicki's gloves before she longes, because we learned that you NEVER NEVER NEVER longe a horse without gloves (just ask Vicki about the horse named Scout 20 years ago when she worked for Penny Wahler!)
Here is Taylor and Maggie doing the glove/horse handoff!  By this time of the session, Wonder was getting tired and Maggie learned a lot about not being so nice all the time!!

The sun is starting to go down, the lanterns outside the barn have come on, and it's time to finish the demo and go inside the lounge for pizza and the movie.
And here we all are, snuggled up on the couch, watching 'National Velvet'.....what a fun evening, and I l look forward to the next First Friday, December 7th!!  Let me know know your movie requests-last night a lot of the girls were talking about "Buck"...what do you think?!?


  1. I'll have to consider that extra credit for Gretchen and Anwen!

    Ms. Neer

  2. Well hello there! It was such a great pleasure to visit your blog and in particularly to read this blog post. Also I would like to know one thing. What is your opinion about guest blogging?
